Best Option Trading Data

Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 5:55 PM


Dan Passarelli, CEO - Market Taker Mentoring

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I was looking at the market today and I was trying to determine what are the most important data points to inform you about. And you know, that's what I do in these videos, right? I look for, hey, what's working on certain data points, what is more likely to happen? And you know what?

I'm sick of doing that. How about if we trade? How about if you tell me what you think is going to happen! Now, I'm just joking. Or at least I'm kind of joking.

There's actually an element of truth there. What we're going to start doing in the very near future is we're going to start doing a quarterly survey of our flock here, of our audience, right? And we want to know the things that you're watching, the things that you think are most affecting the market, where the Dow Jones or S&P 500 will be at the end of the quarter, what option strategies are working. And we're going to take that survey that you will contribute to and we're going to disseminate it to everyone who is on our list, who is one of our listeners, who is one of our student traders so that it can help you understand what's working in the market. What other people are doing that they've found success with. What people think is important. Fundamental factors driving the market. Where the market might go.

So that said, I threw out some ideas of what we're going to have in the survey. I would love if you email me and tell me what you think are some important data points that you would like to see on a quarterly basis of what the general public of traders and investors think might happen and are looking at and are having some success with. So email me what you would like to see in that quarterly survey at [email protected] and share your ideas with me so that we can make this community stronger together.

I hope that helps. And I know this is gonna help. This is Dan Passarelli, Trade Smart!

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