Emotions and Trading

Posted on Friday, August 5, 2022 at 9:04 PM


Dan Passarelli, CEO - Market Taker Mentoring

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Is this the most boring thing ever? No, we're not talking about the new show on hulu. We're not talking about your Aunt Sally. She might be a close second. We're talking about trading.

And yeah, it kind of seems out of place to say that, but a lot of people say trading should be boring and there's a couple of reasons for that. First of all, the big enemies of trading are emotions, especially fear and greed, right? They make us make bad decisions. Fear is supposed to be a helpful emotion and out in the wild in a lot of cases I guess it is. But in trading it's not trading.

It's much better to have a plan and to have a predetermined what you're going to do to have your methodology set up. And speaking of methodology, that's the other thing, the other reason why maybe trading should be boring. Because you know why? Because to be consistent in your trading requires a methodology. Just a step by step approach.

No room for creativity, no room for trying something new this time. No room for mixing it up and having little excitement. It's all about consistency, having that simple step by step plan that we follow. To be consistent, to remove emotion and to hopefully be boring. Well, I hope that helps.

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